How many tryouts are there?
Each grade level will have 2-3 (2) hour tryout sessions. Players are expected to attend all tryout sessions. See our Tryout page for updated times and dates.
Each grade level will have 2-3 (2) hour tryout sessions. Players are expected to attend all tryout sessions. See our Tryout page for updated times and dates.
Notification to John Tate at should be made immediately if a player cannot attend a tryout session and would still like to be considered for a team. Our staff will work with the parent in order to determine if the player should attend another tryout session. Payment is not […]
Tryout locations vary and will be posted on the Tryout page.
Tryout fee is $15 in advance or $20 at the tryout. No refunds are granted if a player misses a tryout session or cannot attend all sessions.
To register and pay prior to the tryout, please visit our Tryouts page.
Bruins teams are based on grade level.
For information about AAU and to view the complete eligibility rules and age chart, go to
The Bruins coaching staff selects players based on a scoring system and observation.
Players are put through basic basketball drills to evaluate his/her work ethic, hustle, attitude, shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and defensive skills. Hard work, hustle, and good attitude are contributing factors in team selection. Even if a player has a difficult session and his/her shooting or game is “off” that session, […]
The WPA Bruins do not allow high school varsity players still participating in state or district playoffs to participate in tryouts due to the possibility of injury. All other players are expected to take advantage of ALL OF THE TRYOUTS for their grade. It’s impossible to schedule tryouts without scheduling […]
Players can have wide variety of basketball experience. It is important to remember because we are drawing from multiple communities, AAU teams are more competitive than most recreational, middle school, or CYO teams. We recommend your child have at least one year of experience in a competitive league or on […]
Parent confirmation is required within 24 hours of notification of team selection. This occurs by replying affirmatively to the e-mail from the coach. In addition, both players and parents must attend the WPA Bruins Pre-Season Meeting, which explains the overall program objectives and expectations. A partial payment is due at […]